Thursday, 24 December 2015

Details Hunter 30963 HEPAtech Tower Replacement Filter for Models 30710 and 30711 Best

Compare Hunter 30963 HEPAtech Tower Replacement Filter for Models 30710 and 30711 with Hunter Fan Company items product

List Price: $49.99
With Deal: $15.95 Details
You save: $34.04

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For US/UK/DE visitors, to buy Hunter 30963 HEPAtech Tower Replacement Filter for Models 30710 and 30711, please browse through:

Filter is well worth the $ -- takes so much hideous filth out of the air
Want proof of how well the filter works? Check out the image I uploaded under "customer images." The awful gunk that clogs this filter by the time I change it proves that it's protecting my asthmatic child. It also proves that it's a good thing these filters come in two-packs. You've gotta stay on top of these machines or their effectiveness is drastically reduced by clogged and filthy filters.

By the way, my machine is a Hunter 30714. I don't know why that model's not listed as one of the ones that takes this filter, but I checked, and this is the correct replacement filter. It fits perfectly into the machine. It's well worth the money when you look at what's stuck to the filters... if it weren't in there, it'd be in your lungs. And you can't, as of yet, order replacement lungs on Amazon.

See Products Related To Hunter 30963 HEPAtech Tower Replacement Filter for Models 30710 and 30711: Hunter Fan Company

HEPAtech Tower Replacement filter for model 30715, 30716, 30717
When I read the reviews, someone posted that you get a two pack for this price. Not so. You only get one. Although it is a perfect fit for my Hunter 30711, it is way to expensive. I could have gotten a 2-pack from another company for $37 + S/H. I am very disappointed. FYI : Don't believe everything you read!
Filter is well worth the $ -- takes so much hideous filth out of the air
Want proof of how well the filter works? Check out the image I uploaded under "customer images." The awful gunk that clogs this filter by the time I change it proves that it's protecting my asthmatic child. It also proves that it's a good thing these filters come in two-packs. You've gotta stay on top of these machines or their effectiveness is drastically reduced by clogged and filthy filters.

By the way, my machine is a Hunter 30714. I don't know why that model's not listed as one of the ones that takes this filter, but I checked, and this is the correct replacement filter. It fits perfectly into the machine. It's well worth the money when you look at what's stuck to the filters... if it weren't in there, it'd be in your lungs. And you can't, as of yet, order replacement lungs on Amazon.

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